Outdoor lighting adds a certain appeal to your outdoor space’s aesthetic. It serves an important function in terms of providing light for added security and illumination.

One of the more popular types of outdoor lighting is the motion-activated light. It’s great because you don’t need to reach for a switch to turn it on or off. It’s rigged with a sensor that automatically triggers the light as soon as it detects motion within its set radius.

Another benefit to motion-activated lights is that they save energy by shutting off by themselves after a certain amount of time without movement. They also come in solar-powered variants, which makes them more cost-efficient.

One important thing you should know about motion-activated lights is that their sensors are often affected by hot and cold temperatures.

Hot Temperatures

If the light is close to a heated source, or if the environment’s temperature is simply warm, it’s possible that the motion-activated lights won’t pick up the presence of heated objects. That’s because the surrounding temperature masks this foreign presence, which has the same temperature, more or less.

You don’t need to worry too much, though, because motion activated lights are designed and programmed to have a certain temperature threshold. This means that it will not be sensitive to subtle changes in temperature. You should still be able to get an accurate reading from your unit unless the circumstances around it change or are manipulated drastically.

Cold Temperatures

Motion-activated lights pick up heat from the objects around them. Therefore, they should be able to work much better in colder temperatures. Because of the contrast between hot and cold, it’s a lot easier for these types of light to detect an “anomaly” in the surrounding temperatures and thus be triggered by “movement.”

Quality Outdoor Lights

If you want to invest in motion-activated lights, you should look for the right models for your property. Given this information on how temperature affects them, you should factor in the weather and climate of your location.

You’d also want to be strategic about their placement around your property. Although they typically have long life spans, they are still susceptible to wear and tear, especially since they are constantly exposed to the elements.

Moisture, in particular, can cause damage to the device’s relay system, thus affecting its effectiveness and functionality.

To make the most out of your investment in motion-activated outdoor lights, consult with a professional electrical service provider.