Are you wondering how often you should have your pool electrical system inspected? This type of thing can not be completed by a homeowner; an electrician should perform this task. Electricians are equipped and knowledgeable when it comes to repairing potentially dangerous issues such as faulty wiring in the pool’s light. This can cause electrocution and other dangers. Bad wiring can also cause water to flow into the light itself, which can cause deadly consequences.

An experienced electrician can check to ensure the wiring has a continuous ground and that all pool lights have a separate grounding system. Depending on where you live, there may be zoning restrictions against homeowners being able to perform any repairs or inspections on their own electrical system.

Since 1990, there have been almost 50 serious electrical shocks and 60 electrocutions involving swimming pools. This is according to the U.S. Product Safety Commission and the American Red Cross. Both adults and children can suffer fatalities due to an electrical shock. If you suspect someone in the pool is experiencing a shock, you should immediately turn off the power and call for help. Water is the perfect conductor of electricity, and if you fail to turn off the power prior, any rescuer can become a victim.

Continue reading to find out more about how often you should have your pool’s electrical system inspected.

When To Schedule Pool Light Inspection

Spas and swimming pools should be tested and checked each year prior to the swimming season. It is imperative that you have a periodic inspection scheduled of your electrical system by a professional electrician at regular intervals. This will help you determine if there is any defective electrical work present. Additionally, it will inform you of any potential shock risks, overloaded pump equipment or circuits, or a lack of necessary earthing or bonding that needs to be handled immediately.

A professional can inspect and test your pool’s electrical system and is among the only qualified professionals to handle this type of work.

Electrical systems in pools can deteriorate over time. If you live in states such as Florida, you are prone to frequent power surges and lightning strikes which can leave you at risk for pool or hot tub damage. To ensure your safety and the safety of others when using the pool or hot tub, you must ensure all systems are in good working condition. You should also ensure that all repairs comply with safety standards and that all defects or damages have been addressed.

Any issues you notice should be reported immediately. Furthermore, your pool should not be used until repairs have been corrected.

Licensed electricians are available to service your pool’s electrical system. Many issues can have an impact on your pool’s electrical system. You can contact your nearest electrician to schedule a pool electrical system check-up.