Outfitting your home with the proper appliances is quite a considerable expense in both time and money. You first have to do the research to figure out what you even want, and then you have to explore all of your options to make sure that you find an appliance with the capabilities that you need. Finally, you need to make sure that everything you look into fits your budget, which is perhaps the most important question of all.

With all that groundwork laid, you want them to last as long as possible. Protecting your appliances from misuse and wear and tear is one thing, but protecting them from a power outage and/or surge is quite another. These surges tend to occur during electrical storms. They basically amount to a sudden increase in the voltage a device is receiving, which can be catastrophic, as it overloads the appliance’s sensitive components.

A quality residential electrical installation can help set you on the right path, but there are some other tips to keep in mind as well. Read on to find out:

Get surge protectors: These devices can also be known as power strips, but you need to make sure you’re buying one that actually protects from electrical surges and isn’t just a glorified extension cord. Many surge protectors look like long and narrow boxes full of extra outlets, and they frequently have an orange power switch that lets you know whether or not they’re active. Anyone who specializes in residential electrical installation will tell you that this is one of the best investments you can make to protect your appliances from a sudden surge of power.

Floodwater management: Any time a heavy storm is approaching, you want to make sure that you have a plan for dealing with any potential seepage or flooding. Water can easily spell death for any electrical appliance. If you have a sump pump, make sure that it has a backup battery, for example.

Prevent frozen pipes: Your pipes freezing (and ultimately bursting) can also be a surefire way to invite water intrusion that can easily damage appliances. Make sure that you use methods like wrapping your pipes with insulating tape or keeping your cabinets open so that comfortable air from your home can get at pipes under sinks to warm them up.

Unplug devices: If a storm is coming and lightning is expected, then it’s probably a good idea to unplug nonessential electrical devices, e.g., your television or the empty extra fridge in the basement. Lightning can enter your house through wiring—even if you’ve had residential electrical installation done—so you need to be ready for anything in that regard.

Protecting your appliances from damage, especially during a storm, mostly comes down to water management and good planning. Our team at Walsh Electric has helped countless customers improve their homes’ defenses through good maintenance and quality residential electrical installation. Reach out to us today to schedule your consultation and learn more about what we can do for you!