A common question for homeowners is “How often should I have my home electrical checked?” The answer depends on a number of factors. The main thing to remember is that a regular inspection is a preventative measure that will keep you safe from electrical hazards.

Older Houses

When you live in an older house, you may find that the electrical systems that were installed are not designed to support all the appliances and electronics that we use in our daily lives. This means that you may experience a short circuit, tripping of the breakers and fuses or overloaded circuits. If you are experiencing these issues, then it is important to have your home electrical checked and fixed as soon as possible by a professional electrician.Older houses typically have older wiring systems that do not have ground wires, which is a safety concern. This kind of wiring can interfere with your ability to get homeowners insurance or a mortgage, and you could risk an electrical fire in the house. Another common problem with older homes is jury-rigged electrical work that was done by previous owners. This is a big reason why many home inspectors recommend having your home inspected by a licensed electrician.


If you’re planning on doing a major remodeling or renovation project, it might be a good idea to get your electrician’s opinion on the best ways to approach your power needs in the most efficient way possible. You might also want to take a closer look at your electric meter. While you’re at it, check out your lights, receptacles and appliances to see how much electricity they use. If you’re able to trace each device back to its corresponding circuit, you’ll be able to determine which one is the most efficient.

Severe Weather

Often, the best way to prepare for severe weather is to have your home’s electrical system checked. A professional electrician can help you determine if any electrical components need to be replaced or repaired. For example, if your house’s wiring has been damaged by a power surge, you may need to replace it. The electrician can also help you determine how to safely use appliances and light fixtures that run on electricity without risking injury. And while it’s good to be prepared for severe weather, the most important step you can take is to keep your family safe. When severe weather strikes, you don’t have much time to make important decisions. Taking the necessary steps now to protect you and your family could mean the difference between life and death.

Call In The Professionals

When it comes to your electrical system, the first thing that a professional will be looking for is whether the circuits are adequate for your needs. These circuits are what dispense electricity from your electric provider to individual devices, such as appliances and lighting fixtures. A reputable electrical contractor will be able to check to see if there are proper circuits in your home, as well as ensure that each room has the necessary amounts of general lighting and appliance circuits to meet your electrical demands. A thorough electrical inspection will help ensure that you don’t end up with costly repairs down the road.