There are few things better than a summer evening spent lounging in a hot tub! The warm water and feeling the jets on your muscles can really help you to relax and enjoy life after a long day. Of course, if you’re having problems with your hot tub, you’re going to need to get those resolved before you can make full use of it this summer.

While there may be a few types of hot tub maintenance you can perform yourself, there are certain jobs that you should always leave up to the professionals. For example, anything involving the electrical system should only be handled by skilled technicians. It’s a big safety risk to start messing around with high voltage wiring in Alexandria, VA if you don’t know what you’re doing, and there is a fair amount of wattage that gets used in a hot tub’s electrical system.

With this in mind, here are just a few reasons why you should leave the job to the pros if you believe electrical issues are to blame for your hot tub malfunctions.


Obviously, a lack of training and experience is not conducive to safe installation or repair of electrical systems. There’s the simple fact that water and electricity right next to each other is a big safety risk as it is, but messing with electrical systems when you aren’t properly equipped and trained to do so is a big hazard as well.

Proper setup

If you’re performing a new hot tub installation, then you also need to know exactly how to configure your hot tub system. For example, the control panel, timers and switches must all be located a certain distance away from the tub to prevent any of their electrical components from being damaged by splashing water. A person must not be able to touch the switches or controls while they are in the tub—otherwise, it could result in electrocution. A professional will understand these issues and be able to properly setup the wiring to ensure safe use of the tub for all.


Working with professionals allows you to pass off the responsibility for securing all the proper permits for wiring. Electricians go to the proper local office in your area to pull the permits needed for the job, so you don’t have to worry about handling that task yourself.

These are just a few examples of why it’s such a good idea for you to place your trust in commercial electrical contractors in Alexandria, VA when dealing with high voltage wiring for your hot tub repair or installation.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please get in touch with the experts at Walsh Electric today.