All posts by JakeS

Why You Need to Update Your Electrical Panel

electrical panel

If your home was built before the 1960’s, chances are you have a fuse panel. When circuit panels came about, the fuse panel was deemed unsafe and even many insurance companies refused coverage to homes that did not upgrade. So therefore, many people upgraded to larger fuses not understanding that the larger electrical load was not alone on the fuse but the wires as well. These wires when overloaded can quickly overheat leading to fire. Entire homes in the 60’s used the electricity of what a home today needs to just power a kitchen. As we use more and more gadgets, larger tvs, microwaves, etc. and homes are expanded and get larger and larger, the need for more power and more electrical service is warranted. If you have an undersized or out of date panel, you are at risk for complete shut down or even worse, a dangerous fire. Continue reading Why You Need to Update Your Electrical Panel

The Benefits of LED Lighting in Commercial Spaces throughout the Washington DC Region

What are the benefits of LED lighting? Well, there are many but the primary benefits of LED lighting is the long life of the bulbs. If you kept the bulbs on eight hours a day, they would last 20 years. This is amazing! In comparison, traditional lighting lasts an average of 750-2,000 hours, while LED lighting lasts 35,000-50,000 hours. Not having to concern yourself with bulb replacement or hire maintenance crews to replace them at your commercial property for that length of time would be just one of the perks of using this lighting. And possibly the top. But there are many more reasons… Continue reading The Benefits of LED Lighting in Commercial Spaces throughout the Washington DC Region